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Book Value: Definition, Meaning, Formula, and Examples


For value investors, book value is the sum of the amounts of all the line items in the shareholders’ equity section on a company’s balance sheet. You can also calculate book value by subtracting a business’s total liabilities from its total assets. Nevertheless, most companies with expectations to grow and produce profits in the future […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Bookkeeping Business in 2021


Again, you don’t have to be a CPA or an experienced bookkeeper to learn how to do this. One of the fastest ways to gain credibility with potential clients is to prove that you have the knowledge necessary to do bookkeeping, payroll, and perhaps tax returns. In today’s digital age, starting an online bookkeeping business […]

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Find Out Your Company’s Net Income


But if there are more expenses than revenue, then that’s a negative net income, or net loss. A company’s net income—sometimes called net earnings—could be seen as a way to measure how profitable the business is. So net income can be one of the most important numbers for a business to know. When you deduct […]

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